Friday, June 20, 2014

How it All Began . . .

I'd always toyed around with the idea of law school. I had friends who were attorneys, I'd dated attorneys, heck, I'd even gotten engaged to an attorney at one point! Ever the autodidact, I've always got my nose in a book and I am intrigued by multiple disciplines, from hard sciences to religion. I love to read, and history and writing were always my favorite classes. If this sounds like you, then you may want to investigate the option to study law in an "unaccredited" law program in California. I learned about this pathway after I took a job as a legal secretary and discovered how much I truly enjoy the profession. Now, I'm essentially eating, breathing and sleeping California law. This is my life, for at least the next four years. Wish me luck, but most of all, wish me discipline to dedicate the immense amount of time to passing the FYLSE, a.k.a. the California Baby Bar. 368 Days.